Course Description

2-Day Co-creation and Design Thinking in Sales Course

This 2-day program brings you the latest best practice on how to co-create value with your customers and develop new business opportunities. In a market, where products and services are rapidly becoming commodities the conventional approach to selling needs a radical change in mindset.
The course offers you an inspiring combination of academic excellence and a hands-on workshop, with cases from various industries both to explain the theory and to learn how to apply it. You will learn how design thinking, value co-creation, innovation and sales converge, creating new business development strategies with customers.

Sales people have to become much more strategic in their approach, focusing on helping customers to develop business opportunities with customers, based on co-creating value rather than on selling value. The result is a better understanding of your customer’s business (and the customer of your customer). This understanding results in unique customer relationships and new sales opportunities.

Please note that the prices may vary per country. For more specific information regarding the prices of this training, please scroll down and choose your location.

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Tailor-made coaching around your challenge

This program offers you an inspiring combination of academic excellence and a hands-on workshop, with cases from various industries both to explain the theory and to learn how to apply it. You will learn how design thinking, value co-creation, innovation and sales converge, creating new business development strategies with customers. It is an opportunity to learn how design thinking can be applied to engage with your customers or even to redesign the sales process of the future.

The training offers a unique team of highly experienced Sales and Design Thinking practitioners with a strong business,

design and academic background. They will act as coaches and Facilitators and take you on a journey of transformation on a personal, professional and organizational level. During this journey you’ll work closely together with them in finding answers to the following questions: Why is the world for sales professionals changing? How does this impact your job as a sales professional? Which tools can help you?

The result is aimed at transformation of the participants, knowledge of tools, methods and professional personal growth. For more information view Sales 2020 Vision.


Sales and Marketing Managers who want to know more about the latest trends, tools and cases in business development;
Innovation Managers who are looking for new innovative ways to engage and co-create value with their customers;
Sales Executives who are looking for new processes and tools to co-create value with their customers.


Get to know the key trends and changes in sales at this very moment, rather than having to catch up later;
Get ahead of the competition by exploring new ways to further enhance your competitiveness by co-creating with rather then selling value to your customers;
Let yourself be inspired by a brand-new and unique program, based on a state-of-the-art research project conducted in the Benelux, UK and US;
Get the opportunity to network and exchange ideas with other practitioners in an exciting new field of expertise;
Our main objective is to provide you with hands-on tools that you can use immediately the next day in your working environment. But we will also facilitate train-the-trainer aspects, so by transforming your mindset and your way of thinking you will be able to train your own team.

Besides the training program you will be handed out the book ‘From Selling to Co-Creating’, Toolkit, Certificate and access to the DT Academy Network environment.

This video gives you a glimpse on our Design Thinking Trainings with global companies:


Tim Schuurman, is a Senior Facilitator with a background in creative leadership in a corporate environment. He is very skilled in facilitating creative processes with the help of the Design Thinking method.

Jeroen van der Weide is a Partner and a creative-minded Senior Facilitator at DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam. He has an MA in Dutch Theatre, Film & Communications. Facilitating teams, designing creative processes as well as brainstorming and positioning sessions are his strengths.

Régis Lemmens is the founder of Sales Cubes, a consulting firm which helps sales organizations to innovate and co-create value with their customers. He is a professor in Sales and Sales Management and teaches at business schools


What is the current protocol given the ever-developing COVID-19 situation? We look forward to welcoming you to our Studio in Amsterdam where we have ensured to take all necessary precautions regarding the COVID-19 measures. Seeing as we are carefully monitoring the developments on a daily basis, the circumstances can also change.
We redesigned our program in order to provide you with the most valuable experience which is what you can expect from our 2-Day Co-creation and Design Thinking in Sales Course. It goes without saying that no concessions have been made on quality, fun factor, dynamics and learning outcomes which DesignThinkers Academy stands for.

Will a more ‘static’ way of working influence your learning experience?
No, it will not. We have redesigned and prototyped countless scenarios as to how we can still provide you with a ‘learning-by-doing’, high energy and in-depth program.

We can also offer you a tailor-made coaching program designed around your specific team objectives to guide you through the DT process.

, Please reach out to us for more information

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Tailor-made coaching around your challenge

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