Course Description
Customer Experience Design: Move From Maintenance to CX Transformation Strategy
How well do you know what your customer experiences across all your touch points. Did you know that the value of your organisation is closely linked to the experience you are able to provide? Today’s customer want memorable and differentiated experiences with every brand they interact with.
This course is designed to equip participants with tools that will enable them transform CX and create strong value. It will also help participants co-create to design a delightful end-to-end journey for your customers.
Early Bird Price
NGN 450,000
8hrs/day- 4days
Standard Price
NGN 525,000
8hrs/day- 4days
Course Type
We strongly believe in ‘Learning by Doing’, so the DesignThinkers Workshop is a high energy and hands-on event. You’ll be challenged to work in small teams on real cases and learn to work with the Design Thinking tools like Personas, Cultural Probes, Customer Journey Mapping, Value Network Mapping, Prototyping, Business Modeling, Road Mapping and more. Moreover, a focus of the program will be on exploring the question of how to integrate these tools.
This training program is designed to apply Design Thinking in an organisation and how to create a buy-in within the organisation and sponsors. Besides the training program, participants will be handed out a toolkit, certificate and access to the DesignThinkers Academy Network environment.
Together with the coaches, you will find answers to:
– How can you successfully apply Design Thinking in solving complex business problems with product development?
– How can you build empathy inside an organisation, use customer feedback, rate insights and translate them into implementable opportunities?
– How can you thrive in the shifting and emerging markets, behavioural and technological complexities?
– What are the fundamental principles of innovation and Design Thinking?
– How can you create stakeholder and sponsor buy-in?
– How DT can be used in redefining organisational value and Business model reinvention?
The Design Thinking values is only attainable when it is pushed beyond the centers of innovation and made to include everyone in the organisation in order to create an environment where no one have difficulty in understanding the human centered approach required to promote creativity, drive innovation and achieve superior performance. It is beneficial to those who want to learn a new methods and maximise the potential of their organisation by acquiring the skill in DesignThinking tools and methodology and transforming their way of thinking and mindset.
DesignThinkers Academy aims to inspire by organising thought-provoking events and lectures, trainings and personal coaching programmes to help organisations build the necessary capabilities, cultures and mind-set. The DesignThinkers Academy is initiated by DesignThinkers Group, a leading ‘design driven’ innovation agency helping organisations around the world making the transition from being strictly product oriented and sales driven towards – being service oriented and human-centered. The DesignThinkers Academy Network is an open platform to facilitate and inspire a rich conversation between creative thinkers & doers, to trigger a positive impact on peoples lives, careers and our ever-changing world.