Course Description

3-Day Design Thinking Fundamentals Course (Certificate)

This high-energy 3-day Design Thinking Fundamentals course will give you a basic understanding of the Design Thinking principles, key tools & terminology. The focus of this course will be hands-on and ‘Learning-by-Doing’ by using tools such as Stakeholder Mapping, Customer Journey Mapping and Prototyping.

The Design Thinking Fundamentals Course is also available in our Virtual Studio, interactive and online fun. Click here to learn more.

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On the first day, we will go through a short and interactive introduction to Service Design Thinking. During this introduction, we will explore the following questions: What is it, where does it come from? What are the main ‘Schools of Thought’ within Service Design? What are the key case studies? What are the challenges? Where can you find more information?


The major part of the two days, however, will be focused on hands-on work on a general case using the different tools. The entire course is based on ‘learning-by-doing’, because that is at the core of Design Thinking. Furthermore, the tools we will be using are fundamental

in Design Thinking. Lastly, during this 3-day course you will be working on a general case. However, it is also possible to work on your own case or challenge by reflecting during the course on how you would integrate Design Thinking within your own case.


Stakeholder Mapping provides you with an overview of the ‘eco-system’ that you are exploring. Stakeholders are people, teams or organizations that directly or indirectly exchange ‘value’. The exchange of value is used as the basis to explore the underlying services provided by the stakeholders

Value Network Mapping creates insight in the exact values that are being exchanged between stakeholders. By using this tool, you will gain more insight into the services being provided by the stakeholders

Personas are used as the basis for Customer Journey Mapping. Finding out more about the objectives, behavior, attitudes of people is very important for developing improvements or innovations of the services provided.

Customer Journey Mapping allows us to gain deeper insight into customer needs, perception, experience and motivation. It will answer questions like: What are people really trying to achieve? How are they trying to achieve this? What are they experiencing, feeling, while trying to reach this desired outcome?

Service Scenarios are used to visualize how a (newly designed) service is experienced from a customer’s point of view. Simple visualization techniques will be introduced.

Prototyping is done in order to be able to test a service concept in a ‘low tech’ environment with relevant stakeholders. Prototyping can be done by building artifacts from cardboard as well as paper or by using Lego. Additionally, role play is a powerful way of prototyping.

All Design Thinking tools and the certificate will be handed out after the session.

This video gives you a glimpse on our Design Thinking Trainings with global companies:


You will be guided through the Online Course by our highly experienced Facilitators. They have years of experience in working with Design Thinking and know the tips & tricks to guide you on this online learning journey how to implement it within your working environment.

Dr Olukunle A. Iyanda, Managing Partner DT Nigeria/Senior Facilitator, is a skilled strategist, an experienced corporate educator who advises on demystifying and enabling innovation and organisational strategic agility.

Dr. Charles Ikem, Director of Service Design/Senior Facilitator, is an experience service designer and researcher with expertise in UI/UX, interaction design, design thinking and digital transformation.

Robert Bloom – Managing Partner of DesignThinkers Group SA. Experienced Service Designer and Systems Thinking practitioner.

Aderinola Oluruntoye, a business intelligence and enterprise data specialist with skills in Business Analytics, Data Warehousing, Business Process Management, Business Intelligence and Enterprise Software.


The Design Thinking values is only attainable when it is pushed beyond the centres of innovation and made to include everyone in the organisation in order to create an environment where no one have difficulty in understanding the human-centred approach required to promote creativity, drive innovation and achieve superior performance. It is beneficial to those who want to learn a new methods and maximise the potential of their organisation by acquiring the skill in DesignThinking tools and methodology and transforming their way of thinking and mindset.


What is the current protocol given the ever developing COVID-19 situation? We look forward to welcoming you  where we have ensured to take all necessary precautions regarding the COVID-19 measures. Seeing as we are carefully monitoring the developments on a daily basis, the circumstances can also change.
We redesigned our program in order to provide you with the most valuable experience which is what you can expect from our 3-Day Design Thinking Fundamentals. It goes without saying that no concessions have been made on quality, fun factor, dynamics and learning outcomes which DesignThinkers Academy stands for.

Will a more ‘static’ way of working influence your learning experience?
No, it will not. We have redesigned and prototyped countless scenarios as to how we can still provide you with a learning-by-doing, high energy and in-depth program.




What if I’m not able to travel or need to go into self-quarantine? Given the constantly changing circumstances surrounding COVID-19, DesignThinkers Academy has also designed a 5-Week Online DT Fundamentals Course.

Our interactive 5-Week Online DT Fundamentals will also allow people to participate on a global scale while at the same time we continue to enhance global connectivity. Click on the following link to read more.

We can also offer you a tailor-made coaching program designed around your specific team objectives to guide you through the DT process.

, Please reach out to us for more information

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