Course Description

4-Day Design Thinking Bootcamp for Innovation Leaders (Certificate)

The 4-Day Design Thinking Bootcamp for Innovation Leaders provides a unique opportunity to learn from internationally recognized and highly experienced Service Design & Design Thinking practitioners. Under the guidance of our seasoned facilitators, familiarize yourself with the divergent/convergent model of the Double Diamond, and solidify your new Design Thinking mindset. During the week, we will focus on how Design Thinking translates to improving various business, government -and societal services. Recognized as one of the best in Europe and the Middle East, this bootcamp is your gateway to becoming a top-tier design thinker.


Reading + Miro board



Standard Price



4 days, 8 hours a day

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4-Day Design Thinking Bootcamp for Innovation Leaders (Certificate)

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Tailor-made coaching around your challenge

About this course

During this intensive, high-paced 4-day program, explore the path of the Double Diamond: from Discover, to Define, to Design, and to Deliver. Along the way, you will be incorporating various skills and tools according to the different phases, such as Research, Stakeholder Mapping and Persona Building (Discover phase), Customer Journey Mapping, Reframing Challenge and Ideation (Define phase), Prototyping, Testing and Implementation (Design phase) and how to process feedback iteratively (Deliver phase). Moreover, you can understand personal areas of development, as we invite experts from theoretical and business standpoints to accompany you in your learning. You will also be able to validate your solution with seasoned practitioners and understand the true impact of your project through this robust program.  

At the end of the Bootcamp Week, you will be able to empathize and understand end-users better. You will also be able to create an innovation process driven by fast iterations. Past participants of this program include service designers, heads of innovation, business consultants, product owners, etc. Pamela Caillens, one of the Bootcamp participants from ​​Cartier International SNC., put it best when she said, “The DesignThinkers Global Bootcamp was a real transformation. Highly recommended to anyone who wants to understand what Design Thinking is all about”.

What you'll learn

Together with our internationally recognized coaches, Facilitators and experts, you will find solutions to the challenges of applying and facilitating this new way of working in your organization and convincing your sponsors and team members.

Day 01 - Discover

Welcome & Introductions
Methodology: DT principles
Design Research
Stakeholder mapping & Personas
Arranged luxury lunch

Day 02 - Define

Introduction of day 2
Redesigning/Reframing persona
Customer Journey Mapping
Team dynamics energizer
Defining Opportunity Areas
Framing Problem Statement
Complimentary Lunch
Pitch Initial Idea
Wrap-up & Reflection

Day 03 - Develop

Introduction of day 3
Framing problem statement
Methodology: Waves of creativity
Service Scenario
Prototyping & testing
Complimentary lunch
Design Research: Testing Prototypes
Wrap-up & Reflection

Day 04 - Deliver

Introduction of final day
Redesigning Prototypes
Integrating feedback
Action planning
Persuasive selling
Complimentary Lunch
Certificate ceremony

Participant profile

This course is designed for:

Managers or Team Leaders...

...seeking to develop and integrate cutting edge creative practices into their business processes and corporate culture

Young Professionals (individuals)...

…who want to get a profound understanding how to use human-centered innovation methods in their daily work

Executives or Decision Makers...

...seeking to apply Service Design Thinking in their daily work. Looking to strengthen their ability to lead innovation and enhance the organisations innovation capability

Government Policy Makers…

...who want to gain key insights into the implementation of Design Thinking

No previous experience or knowledge required

Homework: 1 hrs preparation & personal introduction Miro board


After successful completion of the 4-Day Design Thinking Bootcamp for Innovation Leaders, participants are awarded a DesignThinkers Academy Certificate and you can celebrate your achievement of becoming a true Design Thinker. All tools and materials will be available after the course for personal use.


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4-Day Design Thinking Bootcamp for Innovation Leaders (Certificate)

Request Incompany

Tailor-made coaching around your challenge

Course leaflet